Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner
An efficient liquid treatment called Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner is used to get rid of inorganic scale buildup in vacuum toilet pipe systems.
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An efficient liquid treatment called Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner is used to get rid of inorganic scale buildup in vacuum toilet pipe systems.
To prevent scale buildup, Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner is made of organic acids and corrosion inhibitors. If not addressed, an inorganic scale made up of uric stone, phosphates, and hardness salts would reduce flow and eventually block the pipes altogether.
Although it shouldn’t be used in galvanized systems, Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner is non-corrosive and does not harm any materials in the system. It won’t cause the sewage treatment facility to froth.
Feed Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner regularly at a rate of 1.2 to 1.4 litres per day per dosing station to remove any existing scale. To keep the system clean after the scale has been removed, switch from a daily to a weekly dosage at the same dosage rate.
Due to its acidity, Unitor Vacuum Pipe Cleaner may, in excess, impair the biological activity of sewage treatment plants. Therefore, it should only be supplied into the system via dosing stations that are automatically controlled.
- Scale-removing liquid for automated dosing
- Suitable for use in all maritime sewage treatment and sanitary systems
- Non-corrosive
- Removes and prevents the buildup of inorganic scale in vacuum toilet systems.
- Compatible with the Unitor Vacuum Dosing System
- Appearance: Clear
- Density [g/ml]: 1,2
- Form: Liquid
- pH: 1,1 in 20% solution
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