Unitor descalex

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A strong dry acid cleanser designed to remove scale and rust deposits is called Unitor Descalex. It has a colour indicator to let you know how powerful the cleaning solution and foam reducer is. Descaling of Boilers, Calorifiers, Heat Exchangers, Condensers, Evaporators, and Systems for Diesel Engine Cooling Water.

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A strong dry acid cleanser designed to remove scale and rust deposits is called Unitor Descalex. It has a colour indicator to let you know how powerful the cleaning solution and foam reducer is. Descaling of Boilers, Calorifiers, Heat Exchangers, Condensers, Evaporators, and Systems for Diesel Engine Cooling Water.

Small parts can be cleaned using the soak method in an immersion bath. Pre-cleaning using Unitor Seaclean Plus or Unitor Enviroclean is required if the equipment to be cleaned is polluted with oil, grease, or sludge.

Use a solution of 2.5–10% Unitor Descalex depending on the scaling severity. Red colouring will appear in the solution, but it will vanish after it is neutralized. The mixture ought to be heated to 60°C whenever practicable.


Add extra Unitor Descalex to neutralized solutions until the red colour shows again to revive them. A maximum of twice should be done. Aluminium, zinc, tin, or galvanized surfaces shouldn’t be treated with Unitor Descalex. Nalfleet Alkalinity Control in a 0.5% solution should be used in freshwater as a neutralizer after using Unitor Descalex.


  • Contains inhibitors to protect metals, dry acid concentrated cleanser
  • Features an anti-foam agent and a colour indication to indicate the solution’s strength.
  • Secure and simple handling and storing
  • Scale and rust are removed from heat exchangers, condensers, evaporators, boilers, and other systems that use cooling water for diesel engines.


  • Efficient, affordable, and safe
  • A scale-removal tool that works quickly.


  • Appearance: Orange
  • Density [g/ml]: 1,2
  • Form: Powder
  • pH: 1,1 in 10% solution
  • Available in 25-litre containers


At Morven Industrial, we prioritize giving our customers the highest-quality engineering, building, and specialized chemicals including Unitor Descalex at the most affordable pricing. For any special chemical requirements, Morven Industrial is the ideal option. Contact us right away for your high-quality, cost-effective Unitor Descalex. Click on this link to download the technical data sheet of Descalex.



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